Jumat, 26 Desember 2014

random talk

jung heechul...

i dont know what i should write here since im not good in writing lol
the first time i saw ze:a on tv i dont even care abt him, i just know and like ze:a because of kwanghee, but there's a moment when i watched the beatles code (they're in phoenix era) and i found him attractive, but i didnt know that i would fall for him this far lol
his lips is my best friend's ideal type. so at first, i just wanna introduce and keep told my friend to just biasing him instead of her bias at that time (since i dont really like his bias and i wont mention her bias here), then i started to search more abt him, and as you can see now, im the one who captivated by him like this -_- btw, do you wanna know why i love jung heechul? here some of the reasons:

  1.  his voice, smile, and laugh, i think he has a unique voice, idk why i'm feel happy when i hear  his voice and his laugh, his smile make me smile too xD
  2. his rap, i admits that he's not that good in rap, but come on, he doesn't bad either, he should got more part, im sick abt cant hear his voice in ze:a's song more *forgive my selfishness lol
  3. his craziness! lol who can beat heechul in this? xD
  4. his crossdressing xD ah but he rarely do it now, can i see heechul crossdressing again? like when he being amuro namie? *got slapped 
  5. if you watch idol league, you can see that heechul always convince his member to show up, esp. in episode 8, if you watched it clearly, you can saw heechul asked kevin to sing, promote hyungsik that hyungsik is their main vocal, and there're more.. 
  6. in bts of oops, at the interview, heechul put his hand on junyoung's lap throughout the interview, i didnt realized at first lol, isnt he cute? xD
  7. people called him grumpy and arrogant, but the fact is he's not, he's awkward and shy rapper who always try his best in everything, thats my opinion.
  8. on their predebut variety show, i saw different heechul, if you know what i mean... and it made me cry ;; ;;
  9. i have many reasons that i cant even explain here let's end here lol i said before, i dont like writing too much. right? -____-
i wanna see heechul in drama, not short drama like doll's house, but a real drama, like siwan did, because it's heechul's dream, i wanna see heechul achieve his dream, and more variety show! in always cantare heechul only appear for some minutes (?) can he got a right variety show? ;; ;;
yaa jung heechul, you have to be more popular next year ok? i'm always support you.. fighting 9^0^)9

ps: he's pretty, isnt he? lol

Kamis, 06 November 2014


ceritanya lagi suka banget sama boyband yg satu ini, esp....

jung heechul.. my life is full of all about heecheol TT.TT his eyes, his smile, his laugh, and his everything lol

and my fav couple

heesik/hyungchul lol

cr. on pic

Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2014

Beast-Sad Movie

This is the end for us,
even though it was intimate
But I guess
we can’t avoid breakups as well
It’s supposed to be like this,
don’t have any regrets
Just think that
you were watching a sad movie
Oh I’m tired, even the words
that you’re having a hard time are annoying
The fights we had everyday
seem so habitual now, it’s a shame
Tears over smiles,
sadness over happiness
There were more times I coldly turned my back on you,
rather than hugging you
We drifted away,
then we shattered and messed up
I can’t find the warmth
that I felt in the beginning
The times we spent together,
the promise we swore by
Now in front of us,
none of that matters
This is the end for us,
even though it was intimate
But I guess
we can’t avoid breakups as well
It’s supposed to be like this,
don’t have any regrets
Just think that
you were watching a sad movie
How I changed from only loving you
To me choosing breakup
finally despite only having you on my mind
Like how we loved
with the same mindset
Now this situation at hand
has been our mistake
We drifted away,
then we shattered and messed up
I can’t find the warmth
that I felt in the beginning
Before it’s too late,
before it becomes a scar to both of us
I can’t look at you
like the past any more
This is the end for us,
even though it was intimate
But I guess
we can’t avoid breakups as well
It’s supposed to be like this,
don’t have any regrets
Just think that
you were watching a sad movie
It’s time to say good bye
It’s time to say good bye
Sadness isn’t for long
It’s only for a while Baby
You are so beautiful
that you will be loved anywhere
Just think that
you were watching a sad movie
This is the end for us,
even though it was intimate
But I guess
we can’t avoid breakups as well
It’s supposed to be like this,
don’t have any regrets
Just think that
you were watching a sad movie

Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

Beast - NO MORE

Why aren’t you over me yet like a fool?
Why am I still a good person to you?
It’s already been a few months since we broke up
But why are you still living in the memories?
There are a lot of good people next to you
It’s okay if you start a new love
I’ll truly wish for your happiness with a smile
I keep seeing you wandering around
So I can’t start a new love
Oh yeah, at this late hour, you…

Why did you come to me again? When it’s me who’s too cowardly to let you go?
I hear your sad cries on the other side of the door
Why did you come to me again? When I’ve already cooled down
I have no more warmth to share with you anymore
No more, no more, I’m not someone you can lean on anymore
Fine, cry all you want, if that’s what it takes to wash me all away
If that’s what it takes to erase all the lingering attachment in your heart
I’m not worth the pain you’re going through
I’m not the same person who was with you in the past
I don’t wanna lie and say I let you go because I love you
I’ll stay with you just for today, hurry and get up
I can hold out my hand but it’s just for today
We can’t go back, you know that
You can’t be happy next to me
I keep seeing you wandering around
So I can’t be at peace for a single day
So I can’t start a new love
Oh yeah, at this late hour, you…
Why did you come to me again? When it’s me who’s too cowardly to let you go?
I hear your sad cries on the other side of the door
Why did you come to me again? When I’ve already cooled down
I have no more warmth to share with you anymore
Please stop, I’m getting colder as time goes by
So I’m afraid that I’ll hurt you
Just live happily as if you have something to prove to me
No more, I’m not someone you can lean on anymore
Why did you come to me again? When it’s me who’s too cowardly to let you go?
I hear your sad cries on the other side of the door
Why did you come to me again? When I’ve already cooled down
I have no more warmth to share with you anymore
No more, no more, I’m not someone you can lean on anymore

Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

tugas ._.

1. Pengertian
FASB mendefinisi aset dalam rerangka konseptualnya (SFAC No. 6, prg. 25) sebagai manfaat ekonomik masa datang yang cukup pasti yang diperoleh atau dikuasai/dikendalikan oleh suatu entitas sebagai akibat transaksi atau kejadian masa lalu. Hampir sama dengan itu IASC juga mendefinisi aset sebagai suatu sumber daya yang dikendalikan oleh perusahaan sebagai hasil kejadian masa lalu yang mana manfaat ekonomis masa depan diharapakan didapatkan oleh perusahaan.
2. Pengukuran / Penilaian
Pengukuran aset adalah sebagai berikut:
a) Kas dicatat sebesar nilai nominal;
b) Investasi jangka pendek dicatat sebesar nilai perolehan;
c) Piutang dicatat sebesar nilai nominal;
d) Persediaan dicatat sebesar:
(1) Biaya Perolehan apabila diperoleh dengan pembelian;
(2) Biaya Standar apabila diperoleh dengan memproduksi sendiri;
(3) Nilai wajar apabila diperoleh dengan cara lainnya seperti donasi/rampasan.
Investasi jangka panjang dicatat sebesar biaya perolehan termasuk biaya tambahan lainnya yang terjadi untuk memperoleh kepemilikan yang sah atas investasi tersebut.

Penilaian adalah penentuan jumlah rupiah yang harus dilekatkan pada suatu pos aset pada saat akan dilaporkan atau disajikan dalam statemen keuangan pada periode tertentu.
3. Pengakuan
Pada umumnya pengakuan aset dilakukan bersamaan dengan adanya transaksi, kejadian, atau keadaan tersebut.
4.Penyajian dan Pengungkapan
prinsip akuntansi berterima umum memberi pedoman penyajian dan pengungkapan aset sebagai berikut:
1.      Aset disajikan di sisi debit atau kiri dalam neraca berformat akun atau di bagian atas dalam neraca berformat laporan.
2.      Aset diklasifikasikan menjadi aset lancar dan tetap.
3.      Aset diurutkan penyajiannya atas dasar likuiditas atau kelancarannya, yang paling lancar dicantumkan pada urutan pertama.
4.      Kebijakan akuntansi yang berkaitan dengan pos-pos tertentu harus diungkapkan (misalnya metode depresiasi aset tetap dan dasar penilaian sediaan barang).

Aset tetap seringkali  merupakan komponen yang signifikan dalam Neraca Perusahaan. Aset Tetap bersifat tangible dan digunakan dalam jangka panjang. Dalam PSAK 16 definisi Aset tetap adalah aset berwujud yang:
1. Dimiliki untuk digunakan dalam produksi atau penyediaan barang atau jasa, untuk direntalkan kepada pihak lain, atau untuk tujuan administratif; dan
2. Diharapkan untuk digunakan selama lebih dari satu periode
2. Pengukuran / Penilaian
Aset tetap yang memenuhi kualifikasi untuk dikategorikan sebagai aset tetap pada awalnya diukur sebesar biaya perolehan. Biaya perolehan aset adalah jumlah biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh entitas dan diperlukan untuk menyiapkan aset tetap tersebut agar dapat digunakan sebagaimana mestinya sebuah aset tetap. Pengukuran aset tetap selain dilakukan pada awal perolehan juga dilakukan pada periode setelah aset tetap tersebut diperoleh. Di dalam PSAK 16 Revisi 2007 terdapat perubahan yang signifikan mengenai perlakuan akuntansi aset tetap terutama tentang pengukuran nilai aset tetap setelah perolehan. PSAK 16 Revisi 2007 mengakui adanya dua metode dalam perlakuan akuntansi aset tetap tersebut. Kedua metode itu adalah metode  biaya historis dan metode revaluasi
3. Pengakuan
Baik aset tetap maupun  properti investasi diakui jika kos perolehan dapat diukur dengan andal. Kos perolehan adalah jumlah kas atau setara kas yang dibayarkan atau nilai wajar dari imbalan lain yang diserahkan untuk memperoleh suatu aset … (PSAK 16.06). Jadi, hanya bila kos perolehan dapat diukur dengan andal baru aset tetap dan properti investasi dapat diakui. Kalau nilai wajar aset dapat diukur dengan andal tetapi kos perolehan tidak dapat diukur dengan andal, aset tetap atau properti investasi tidak dapat diakui (Picker et al, 2012).
Atau aset tetap diakui apabila digunakan untuk kegiatan operasi perusahaan dan
Besar kemungkinan manfaat ekonomi dari aset tersebut akan mengalir ke perusahaan.

4.Penyajian dan Pengungkapan
Laporan keuangan mengungkapkan, untuk setiap kelompok aset tetap:
a) dasar pengukuran yang digunakan dalam menentukan jumlah tercatat bruto;
b) metode penyusutan yang digunakan;
c) umur manfaat atau tarif penyusutan yang digunakan;
d) jumlah tercatat bruto dan akumulasi penyusutan (dijumlahkan dengan akumulasi rugi penurunan nilai) pada awal dan akhir periode; dan
e) rekonsiliasi jumlah tercatat pada awal dan akhir periode 


Beban (expense) adalah pengorbanan yang dilakukan perusahaan dalam bentuk moneter untuk mendapatkan barang atau jasa, dan sudah habis nilai gunanya. 
Biaya (cost) adalah pengorbanan yang dilakkukan perusahaan dalam bentuk moneter untuk mendapatkan barang atau jasa dimana diharapkan akan memberikan nilai guna dimasa depan atau belum habis nilai gunanya.
IAI (IASC) mendefinisikan biaya dalam Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (2002) sebagai berikut: Beban adalah penurunan manfaat ekonomi selama suatu perioda akuntansi dalam bentuk arus keluar atau berkurangnya aktiva atau terjadinya kewajiban yang mengakibatkan penurunan ekuitas yang tidak menyangkut pembagian kepada penanam modal.
Sejalan dengan penilaian aktiva dapat diukur atas dasar jumlahrupiah yang digunakan untuk penilaian aktiva dan hutang. Oleh karena itu,pengukuran biaya dapat didasarkan pada :
1. Cost historis
2. Cost pengganti / cost masukan terkini (replacement cost / curent input cost)
3. Setara kas (cash equivalent)
Menurut pendapat pihak-pihak yang menyatakan bahwa expense merupakan penurunan aktiva perusahaan, pengukuran yang logis adalah nilai dari barang-barang dan jasa yang digunakan dalam operasi perusahaan

3. Pengakuan
Sebuah biaya akan diakui pada pernyataan financial,itu harus memenuhi kedua kriteria pengakuan. Yang pertama, itu ‘mungkin’ bahwa aliran keluar dari keuntungan ekonomis masa depan telah terjadi. Framework menyatakan bahwa konsep probabilitas adalah menjaga dengan ketidakpastian karakteristik lingkungan dimana sebuah entitas beroperasi. Beban terjadi apabila barang atau jasa dikonsumsi atau dilakukan dengan mencatat kegiatan di dalam perkiraan atau memasukkannya di dalam laporan keuangan
Pada dasarnya cost memiliki dua kedudukan penting, yaitu : sebagai aktiva (potensi jasa) dan sebagai beban pendapatan (biaya).Proses pembebanan cost pada dasarnya merupakan proses pemisahan cost. Oleh karena itu agar informasi yang dihasilkan akurat, bagian cost yang telah diakui sebagai biaya pada periode berjalan dan bagian cost yang akan dilaporkan sebagai aktiva (diakui sebagai biaya periode mendatang) harus dapat ditentukan dengan jelas.
4.Penyajian dan Pengungkapan
Penyajian biaya tidak dapat dilepaskan dari penyajian pendapatan dan sarananya adalah laporan laba rugi. Penyajian elemen pendapatan, untung, biaya dan rugi bergantung pada konsep tentang apa saja yang membentuk laba kemudian pengungkapan biaya meliputi yaitu di dalam neraca, jumlah kewajiban yang timbul sebagai akibat perbedaan antara jumlah pendanaan yang telah dilakukan oleh pemberi kerja sejak pembentuk program dengan jumlah yang diakui sebagai beban selama periode yang sama

Sabtu, 03 Mei 2014



The long awaited time has come
You've heard my deepest feelings for you
Maybe we had no other choice but to love since the start

You are wearing a bright wedding dress
My trembling hearts seems like it'll explode
I slip a ring onto your fourth finger

Close your eyes, listen to my heart, live with me forever
In the morning, wake me up with your voice
Hug me once a day, tell me that you love me
Always look into my eyes and tell me
I will stay at the same place since the beginning

When the tears hurt you
I will always be your strength
I promise you that you are my everything
I'm please just let me know

Beautiful eyes, nose, lips.. those lips
you so beautiful, I kiss you as you are asleep
Brighter than the morning dew..
Even when we are together I miss you
You are my everything, my reason to live
When I look at you I'm way up in the sky
I can't fall down, I can't let you down,
I must admit that I'm in love with you
I wanna kiss you


I kneel down before you and I sing to you
Myself reflected in your eyes looks so happy
I'll make you smile again I finally miss you.
I love you, I cant help it
You are my angel, I'm your guardian angel
No matter what happens, I won't hurt you
I promise you, when you come to me
I'll make you happy
No matter what happens, I'lll be on your side

I will give my entire day to you
I will make you use every part of it
I will walk following with your footsteps
Just be at the same place since the beginning.

SHINHWA - The Sun Lives in our Hearts

How infuriating our many faults must have been...
I didn't even think of giving a scar to anyone...
To instinctively protect a person, so you don’t even know… Yeah, it’s a sad story…
You don’t need to urge yourself, it’s alright, we’re together
Right, no matter how dirty we get, in our hearts there’s the sun… Look, the sun is rising again
Now, one more time like the first time, let’s start again…
We all got a little bit of trouble sometime
Nobody's perfect but it's alright. Gotta think twice and change the ways
We can make the world to a better place
Show no tears, no more fears, ready for each other and just be right here.
Don't worry always friends in the end. You're not alone so we can do it again
I know it hurts so bad, see the pain inside you' smile in your face, but tears behind you.
worry about it 24 to the 7 ain't gonn' change a bit
Do whatever yeah we all got a story to tell
You are not alone
there always be the sun let's start from the day one
How many sad lies have we told during our lives...
We don't want to lose that person unknowingly, Yeah it's a sad story...
Even if you don’t hurt yourself, it’s alright, we’re together
Right, no matter how dirty we get, in our hearts there’s the sun… Look, the sun is rising again
Now, let’s get back up one more time…
Never cry, cause we'll never let the sun down
You don’t need to urge yourself, it’s alright, we’re together
Right, no matter how dirty we get, in our hearts there’s the sun… Look, the sun is rising again
Now, one more time like the first time, let’s start again…
You’re not alone, even if the sky is cloudy, in your heart there’s the sun
You don’t need to cry, it’s alright, even if it rains, in your heart there’s the sun
In your heart, there’s the sun

cr. aheeyah.com


The red light – in this stopped time, only your scent remains
Like a dream I’m not waking from, I’m falling more and more into you
The green light – I have gone crazy, should I rush to you?
My heart sounds like it’ll burst, it races only for you
Like satellites and shooting stars, like a star that has seen the sun
I revolve around you, though you’re hot, I approach you
Finally, I hold you (holding your heart) and dazzle as I burn up
We live for this love (nanana nana nanana)
We live for this love (nanana nana nanana)
We live for this love
The firelight – the moment I’m trapped in your burning eyes
One kiss from you will wake me up, I feel like I can have the whole world
Like satellites and shooting stars, like a bee that has seen a flower petal
I revolve around you, I approach you without hesitation
Finally, I hold you (holding your heart) and fly up high
We live for this love (nanana nana nanana)
We live for this love (nanana nana nanana)
We live for this love
I can’t get enough, I can’t get off of your love
I can’t live without your love, I am addicted
In a blink of an eye, I’m by your side
When we kiss, I feel so high
(We live for this love)
I’m a shooting star inside a solar system called you
I am pulled to you, you’re a black hole that I can’t deny
It’s automatic, systematic, in this universe
I am pulled to you, you’re a black hole that I can’t deny
Everytime I Count 1 2 3
The world around us stops
Follow the pounding beat
We live for this love (Everytime I Count 1 2 3)
We live for this love (We dream of love endlessly)
We live for this love
In my dreams, when I’m awake, always be by my side
Don’t be afraid, hold my hand, I’ll protect you


One day, I woke up in the morning,
thinking about this memories we had.
The things between you and me, I know it’s over.
But you know, I just can’t get over

Really… I can’t… I can’t forget you
Everyday… whether my eyes are open or shut…
I can still feel my tears

That day you fell asleep in my arms… your scent in my house
All of it (I miss) really (it’s difficult) I need you

The memory of our love flows like the rain
Like a fool I cry… because I miss you
If we can meet again…
If we could love like our first time
I will do it right…
I will do everything…
I won’t let you leave

Dream… in last night’s dream… you found me and said
Saying that you’ll wait, words that only pained me more
Stop lying… that you’ll come back to me anytime
But those long periods of waiting… do not regret at all

When you came back to my side I should’ve made you stay
But why regret now
If a day like this comes by again…
I’ll make it so you’ll never go elsewhere

When you were by my side I was always uneasy
Although I could see you I’d still miss you
Can’t look in the same direction, I’d see only you
Can’t look forward, I’d see only the shadow of your back
No my tears drop to the floor
24/7 I’ll make you can’t let you go
Even though you’re not by my side,
Even though I can’t see you
I just wanna let you know

Yo if you give me one more chance to be your better man
I promise you that I do all I can
and I want you to understand
If you hold my hand I will never let go
I love you… what else needs to be said
Nothing can be expressed… but I want you to know
If only you knew

Kamis, 01 Mei 2014


Narration) It's alright baby don't feel bad for yourself I'm doing fine

Are you going to leave me, forgotton?
Are you just going to watch..
You said this once, When i dont laugh
You wont look foward to anything ever again..

Are you waiting with open hands?
Are you looking for me..
Or are you just laughing..
Are you believeing that you're not alone?
No..You have to know how it feels like to be truly alone
Its ok to cry a little.

You always lead the way
You never cared about me
These are my bottled up feelings..
When we were together, maybe you were still alone

Narration) Girl please listen to me

Can you feel it when you look high up in the sky?
Do you think you can understand now?
You never see people who are right under your nose
Your plan later is probably regretting
I wonder if you know..

* Repeat

There was a time when you put your makeup on thickly
I knew then, I felt it.
I wonder if I knew that avoiding you
will be better for me now that i know..

Rap)Goodbye..I cant hold on to you any longer
Im sorry. I want to turn back but..
But i think letting you go is better for
the two of us for now..
But when I think of the past days
I grieve for you..
When each day passes by,
It comes right back to me Killing me softly We'll probably remember just the way we felt it
It'll stay like a lie,..

Im alright, Im alright
I'll be hurting for a while but i'll stop
I think about our memories freely..

Narration) Don't worry about me girl I'm gonna be alright

[credit] Aheeyah